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Markus Bauer

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{{PhotoMissing}}'''Markus Bauer''' , [[intactivist]], is co-founder of the Swiss organization "[[Zwischengeschlecht]]" which campaigns for the right to [[genital integrity ]] of intersexuals and thus against forces involuntary sexual reassignment to of children.
At Bauer spoke at the [[Genital_Autonomy_and_Children’s_Rights#14th_Symposium_.282015_in_Frankfurt.2C_Germany.29|14th Symposium]] of [[Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights]] WWDOGA 2015 in 2015, he refers to a meeting of the UN Commission on Children's Rights from early 2015Cologne, were the genital mutilation of intersexuals was named 'harmful practice'Germany.
At the [[Genital_Autonomy_and_Children’s_Rights#14th_Symposium_.282015_in_Frankfurt.2C_Germany.29|14th Symposium]] of [[Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights]] in 2015, he referred to a meeting of the [ UN Commission on Children's Rights] from early 2015, where the genital mutilation of intersexuals was named 'harmful practice'. {{LINKS}}* [ WWDOGA 2015, speech Markus Bauer] {{DEFAULTSORT:Bauer, Markus}} [[Category:Person]][[Category:Male]] [[Category:Intactivist|B]] [[Category:Germany]]
[[de:Markus Bauer]]

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