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Genital cutting in Christianity

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'''Genital cutting in Christianity''' was rejected by the Church Fathers at the [[Council at Jerusalem]] which was held at or about 49 A.D. [[Circumcision]] is widely believed to be a good "Christian value" by a few Christians in different parts of the world, including the United States, South Korea, Africa and The Philippines. Christian advocates of male infant circumcision often cite the [[Abrahamic covenant|covenant between god and Abraham]] as outlined in the book of Genesis (e.g., the Old Testament), or believe that since the men of the Old Testament were circumcised, that it must be a good Christian value. Still others acknowledge that male infant circumcision was outlined to Abraham and his descendants, and that gentiles were excluded, but believe the New Testament says it's just a matter of preference, and that gentiles could choose to be circumcised or not, or could choose to have their children circumcised or allowed to be intact. This is an erroneous view.
== Circumcision and coercing others to be circumcised ==
Actually, circumcision is expressly forbidden to gentiles in the New Testament. Whereas Jews adhere to the original 613 laws and commandments outlined in the Old Testament, called "mitzvots" in Hebrew, Christians are supposed to be saved by the blood and grace of Christ, hence the name "Christ-ian." At various points in the New Testament,<ref>The Holy Bible</ref>, Christians are told to either follow the law, or be saved by the grace Grace of Christ alone.
In the early times of the church, there was bitterness between Jews who believed in the laws of the Old Testament, and Jews who wanted to be saved under the New Covenant, and who wanted to live in harmony with gentile believers who were saved by faith in Christ. Followers of the Old Testament, who were made to keep numerous laws and undergo several unpleasant rituals, had bitterness and resentment for followers of the New Testament, who were being spared old burdens. Paul and Peter are desperately trying to unite these groups in order to achieve harmony, but the issue of circumcision and keeping laws and rituals in the Old Testament keep coming up as points of contention.
== Circumcision and Catholicism ==
The Roman Catholic church condemned the practice formally and ordered against its practice in the Ecumenical Council of Basel-Florence in 1442.<ref>{{REFweb |url= |archived= |title=Bull of Union with the Copts |trans-title= |language= |last= |first=Eugenius IV |author-link= |publisher=Circumcision Reference Library |website= |date=1442-02-04 |accessdate=2020-05-28 |format= |quote=}}</ref>
* [{{REFweb |url= Michael Glass. |archived= |title=The New Testament and Circumcision |trans-title= |language= |last=Glass |first=Michael |author-link= |publisher=Circumcision Reference Library |website= |date=2001-10 |accessdate=2020-05-28 |format= |quote=}}* {{REFweb |url=http://www. October 2001cirp.]org/pages/cultural/glass3/ |archived= |title=What the Bible Reveals About Circumcision and Sexual Violence |trans-title= |language= |last=Glass |first=Michael |author-link= |publisher=Circumcision Reference Library |website= |date=2003-04 |accessdate=3030-05-28 |format= |quote=}}
* {{REFweb
|title=The Holy Bible, Circumcision, False Prophets and Christian Parents
|publisher=Circumcision Reference Library
<!-- {{REF}} -->
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