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MC v. Aaronson

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'''M.C. vs Aaronson ''' is a groundbreaking lawsuit against the [ South Carolina Department of Social Services], [ Greenville Hospital System], [ Medical University of South Carolina ]] and individual employees, including Dr. [[Ian Aaronson]], over a sexual reassignment/normalization surgery performed on a baby born with [[Intersex traits]], while the baby was in the custody of the state.
It is the first lawsuit of its kind filed on behalf an intersex child who was given sex assignment surgery while too young to give informed consent. (huffington)
== Background ==
M.C. was born a premature twin at [ Greenville Memorial Hospital ] in November 2004. The biological parents would not take them home. One baby died. M.C. was abandoned in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Three months later, the Department of Social Services stepped in. Court records show the biological parents relinquished their rights.
Court records indicate that at birth, M.C. was identified as a male. During a reflux surgery, "female organs were discovered" (In current nomenclature, this is referred to as [[Ambiguous genitalia]]). Doctors at the Greenville Hospital System concluded the baby was a "true hermaphrodite." (The word 'hermaphrodite' is no longer used to describe intersex or DSD conditions because it's biologically inexact and also offensive). M.C. was born with a relatively rare intersex disorder called ovotesticular DSD, which doctors say makes it particularly difficult to predict gender.
They referred the case to the [ Medical University of South Carolina ] where ultimately, sex re-assignment surgery was performed in April 2006 on the then 1-year-old.
Mark and Pam Crawford adopted M.C. a few months later.
==Gender dissatisfaction==
From early age M.C. (then named S) showed signs of identifying as a boy. The Crawfords told The Atlantic: "S didn’t want braided hair; S wanted a haircut “like dad’s.” At Halloween, S wanted to be a superhero, but not Wonder Woman. S wanted to use the men’s bathroom and liked to be referred to as a boy. S already tended to be perceived as a boy by strangers, after requesting a buzz cut about a month before the family’s vacation."

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