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Hodges (2001) reported, ''Lipodermos'' is the name given by the Greeks to the condition of having a deficient foreskin. According to Hodges:<blockquote>Through the development of the concept of ''lipodermos'', Greek medicine gave to Greek civilization a scientific reinforcement of its disapproval of the violations of genital integrity occurring in the Near East. This ethos posited not only that a circumcised penis is a deviation from the natural—although that is of real importance—but that a circumcised penis is a defective and disfigured penis, one that can be repaired by medical treatment. Medicine and law thereby entered into a mutually supportive relationship: circumcision was against the law because it mutilated its victims, but, taken to the next logical level in this medico-ethical argument, it was also against the law because it necessarily inflicted a state of ''lipodermos'' on its victims.<refname="hodges2001">{{REFjournal
|first=Frederick M.
Hall (1992) reports that a surgical operation was necessaryto restore the missing foreskin.<ref name="hall1992" />
Schultheiss ''et al''. (1998) report that, in an alternative to the surgical procedures, a weight made of bronze, copper, or leather, called the ''Pondus Judaeus'', was attached to the residual foreskin that pulled the skin downward and stretched it which resulted in [[tissue expansion]].<ref name="schultheiss1998">{{REFjournal

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