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Development of retractable foreskin

1 byte added, 16:59, 30 December 2020
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== History ==
The first data on development of retractile foreskin were provided in 1949 by the famous British paediatrician, [[Douglas Gairdner]].<ref name="Gairdner">{{GairdnerDM1949GairdnerDM 1949}}</ref> His data have been incorporated into many textbooks and is still being repeated in the medical literature today. [[Douglas Gairdner|Gairdner]] said that 80 percent of boys should have a retractable foreskin by the age of two years, and 90 percent of boys should have a retractable prepuce by the age of three years.<ref name="Gairdner"/>
Unfortunately, [[Douglas Gairdner|Gairdner]]’s data are inaccurate,<ref name="Wright1994">{{REFjournal
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