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14,210 bytes added, 19:46, 21 March 2021
{{NOTE}} ''The photographs collection shown on this page have originally been hosted online on Somewhen in 2020, the photos have been deleted there, but were still available on the Internet Archive.''


== Ulwaluko: Photos ==


These selected photographs were taken in various health institutions in the Eastern Cape during 2012 and 2013. They illustrate the magnitude of the problem faced by medical practitioners during the initiation seasons.

Informed consent has been obtained for each clinical photograph shown. Every effort has been made to ensure anonymity and all metadata has been removed. Some photographs have been edited digitally to enhance colours and contrast.

Mia Malan, the health editor of the Mail and Guardian newspaper, wrote two articles about the boys behind the photographs: '[ the boys who lost their manhood]' and '[ play speaks for maimed initiates]'. Both articles are excruciating reads.

Please be warned that most photographs are graphic. Scroll down to view them.

== Photo categories ==

The photos are categorized for various types of circumcision damages which can be easily found when sorting the following table by Type:

* Abscess
* Abuse
* Amputee
* Death
* Deformed
* Epithelium loss
* Gangrene
* Incomplete
* Infected
* Large wound
* Muthi
* Nose pulling
* Pressure sores
* Rotting
* Skewed
* Skin loss
* Swollen glans
* Tissue loss
* Torture
* Urethral injury

== Ulwaluko photos collection ==

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! # !! Type !! Image
| 001 || Infected || [[File:001 Infected.jpg]]
| 002 || Skin loss || [[File:002 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 003 a || Infected || [[File:003 Infected -a-.jpg]]
| 003 b || Infected || [[File:003 Infected -b-.jpg]]
| 004 || Incomplete || [[File:004 Incomplete.jpg]]
| 005 || Muthi || [[File:005 Muthi.jpg]]
| 006 || Infected || [[File:006 Infected.jpg]]
| 007 || Incomplete || [[File:007 Incomplete.jpg]]
| 008 || Muthi || [[File:008 Muthi.jpg]]
| 009 || Infected || [[File:009 Infected.jpg]]
| 010 || Infected || [[File:010 Infected.jpg]]
| 011 || Incomplete || [[File:011 Incomplete.jpg]]
| 012 || Muthi || [[File:012 Muthi.jpg]]
| 013 || Gangrene || [[File:013 Gangrene -mild-.jpg]]
| 014 || Infected || [[File:014 Infected.jpg]]
| 015 || Infected || [[File:015 Infected.jpg]]
| 016 || Muthi || [[File:016 Muthi.jpg]]
| 017 || Large wound || [[File:017 Large wound.jpg]]
| 018 || Epithelium loss || [[File:018 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 019 || Incomplete || [[File:019 Incomplete.jpg]]
| 020 || Gangrene || [[File:020 Gangrene.jpg]]
| 021 || Deformed || [[File:021 Deformed.jpg]]
| 022 || Infected || [[File:022 Infected.jpg]]
| 023 || Epithelium loss || [[File:023 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 024 || Infected || [[File:024 Infected.jpg]]
| 025 || Large wound || [[File:025 Large wound.jpg]]
| 026 || Rotting || [[File:026 Rotting.jpg]]
| 027 || Death || [[File:027 Death.jpg]]
| 028 || Skin loss || [[File:028 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 029 || Epithelium loss || [[File:029 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 030 || Incomplete || [[File:030 Incomplete.jpg]]
| 031 || Skewed || [[File:031 Skewed.jpg]]
| 032 || Skin loss || [[File:032 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 033 || Death || [[File:033 Death.jpg]]
| 034 || Incomplete || [[File:034 Incomplete.jpg]]
| 035 || Amputee || [[File:035 Amputee.jpg]]
| 036 || Infected || [[File:036 Infected.jpg]]
| 037 || Deformed || [[File:037 Deformed.jpg]]
| 038 || Skin loss || [[File:038 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 039 || Infected || [[File:039 Infected.jpg]]
| 040 || Infected || [[File:040 Infected.jpg]]
| 041 || Deformed || [[File:041 Deformed.jpg]]
| 042 || Epithelium loss || [[File:042 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 043 || Amputee || [[File:043 Amputee.jpg]]
| 044 a || Gangrene || [[File:044 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 044 b || Gangrene || [[File:044 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 044 c || Gangrene || [[File:044 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 044 d || Gangrene || [[File:044 Gangrene -d-.jpg]]
| 044 e || Gangrene || [[File:044 Gangrene -e-.jpg]]
| 045 || Death || [[File:045 Death.jpg]]
| 046 a || Infected || [[File:046 Infected -a-.jpg]]
| 046 b || Infected || [[File:046 Infected -b-.jpg]]
| 047 a || Gangrene || [[File:047 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 047 b || Gangrene || [[File:047 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 047 c || Gangrene || [[File:047 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 047 d || Gangrene || [[File:047 Gangrene -d-.jpg]]
| 048 || Epithelium loss || [[File:048 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 049 || Tight bandage || [[File:049 Tight bandage.jpg]]
| 050 || Large wound || [[File:050 Large wound.jpg]]
| 051 || Infected || [[File:051 Infected.jpg]]
| 052 a || Gangrene || [[File:052 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 052 b || Gangrene || [[File:052 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 052 c || Gangrene || [[File:052 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 052 d || Gangrene || [[File:052 Gangrene -d-.jpg]]
| 053 a || Large wound || [[File:053 Large wound -a-.jpg]]
| 053 b || Large wound || [[File:053 Large wound -b-.jpg]]
| 054 || Muthi || [[File:054 Muthi.jpg]]
| 055 a || Gangrene || [[File:055 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 055 b || Gangrene || [[File:055 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 055 c || Gangrene || [[File:055 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 056 || Epithelium loss || [[File:056 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 057 a || Large wound || [[File:057 Large wound -a-.jpg]]
| 057 b || Large wound || [[File:057 Large wound -b-.jpg]]
| 058 || Infected || [[File:058 Infected.jpg]]
| 059 || Torture || [[File:059 Torture.jpg]]
| 060 a || Incomplete || [[File:060 Incomplete -a-.jpg]]
| 060 b || Incomplete || [[File:060 Incomplete -b-.jpg]]
| 061 || Epithelium loss || [[File:061 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 062 || Deformed || [[File:062 Deformed.jpg]]
| 063 a || Gangrene || [[File:063 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 063 b || Gangrene || [[File:063 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 063 c || Gangrene || [[File:063 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 064 || Epithelium loss || [[File:064 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 065 || Nose pulling || [[File:065 Nose pulling.jpg]]
| 066 a || Deformed || [[File:066 Deformed -a-.jpg]]
| 066 b || Deformed || [[File:066 Deformed -b-.jpg]]
| 067 || Infected || [[File:067 Infected.jpg]]
| 068 || Infected || [[File:068 Infected.jpg]]
| 069 || Epithelium loss || [[File:069 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 070 || Infected || [[File:070 Infected.jpg]]
| 071 || Epithelium loss || [[File:071 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 072 || Deformed || [[File:072 Deformed.jpg]]
| 073 || Amputee || [[File:073 Amputee.jpg]]
| 074 || Epithelium loss || [[File:074 Loss epithelium.jpg]]
| 075 || Epithelium loss || [[File:075 Loss epithelium.jpg]]
| 076 || Large wound || [[File:076 Large wound.jpg]]
| 077 || Amputee || [[File:077 Amputee.jpg]]
| 078 || Infected || [[File:078 Infected.jpg]]
| 079 || Epithelium loss || [[File:079 Loss epithelium.jpg]]
| 080 || Amputee || [[File:080 Amputee.jpg]]
| 081 || Abuse || [[File:081 Abuse.jpg]]
| 082 || Epithelium loss || [[File:082 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 083 || Epithelium loss || [[File:083 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 084 || Skin loss || [[File:084 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 085 || Infected || [[File:085 Infected.jpg]]
| 086 || Epithelium loss || [[File:086 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 087 || Infected || [[File:087 Infected.jpg]]
| 088 || Infected || [[File:088 Infected.jpg]]
| 089 || Infected || [[File:089 Infected.jpg]]
| 090 || Abscess || [[File:090 Abscess.jpg]]
| 091 || Epithelium loss || [[File:091 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 092 || Infected || [[File:092 Infected.jpg]]
| 093 || Muthi || [[File:093 Muthi.jpg]]
| 094 a || Gangrene || [[File:094 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 094 b || Gangrene || [[File:094 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 094 c || Gangrene || [[File:094 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 095 || Epithelium loss || [[File:095 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 096 || Infected || [[File:096 Infected.jpg]]
| 097 a || Gangrene || [[File:097 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 097 b || Gangrene || [[File:097 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 097 c || Gangrene || [[File:097 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 097 d || Gangrene || [[File:097 Gangrene -d-.jpg]]
| 097 e || Gangrene || [[File:097 Gangrene -e-.jpg]]
| 098 || Epithelium loss || [[File:098 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 099 || Infected || [[File:099 Infected.jpg]]
| 100 || Epithelium loss || [[File:100 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 101 a || Gangrene || [[File:101 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 101 b || Gangrene || [[File:101 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 101 c || Gangrene || [[File:101 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 102 || Tissue loss || [[File:102 Tissue loss.jpg]]
| 103 || Skin loss || [[File:103 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 104 || Amputee || [[File:104 Amputee.jpg]]
| 105 a || Gangrene || [[File:105 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 105 b || Gangrene || [[File:105 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 105 c || Gangrene || [[File:105 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 105 d || Gangrene || [[File:105 Gangrene -d-.jpg]]
| 106 || Abscess || [[File:106 Abscess.jpg]]
| 107 || Infected || [[File:107 Infected.jpg]]
| 108 a || Gangrene || [[File:108 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 108 b || Gangrene || [[File:108 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 108 c || Gangrene || [[File:108 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 109 || Skin loss || [[File:109 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 110 || Large wound || [[File:110 Large wound.jpg]]
| 111 || Infected || [[File:111 Infected.jpg]]
| 112 a || Gangrene || [[File:112 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 112 b || Gangrene || [[File:112 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 112 c || Gangrene || [[File:112 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 113 || Large wound || [[File:113 Large wound.jpg]]
| 114 || Infected || [[File:114 Infected.jpg]]
| 115 || Hypospadias || [[File:115 Hypospadia.jpg]]
| 116 || Skin loss || [[File:116 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 117 || Skin loss || [[File:117 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 118 || Infected || [[File:118 Infected.jpg]]
| 119 || Skin loss || [[File:119 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 120 || Infected || [[File:120 Infected.jpg]]
| 121 || Amputee || [[File:121 Amputee.jpg]]
| 122 a || Gangrene || [[File:122 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 122 b || Gangrene || [[File:122 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 122 c || Gangrene || [[File:122 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 122 d || Gangrene || [[File:122 Gangrene -d-.jpg]]
| 123 || Skin loss || [[File:123 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 124 || Skin loss || [[File:124 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 125 || Epithelium loss || [[File:125 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 126 || Epithelium loss || [[File:126 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 127 || Infected || [[File:127 Infected.jpg]]
| 128 || Epithelium loss || [[File:128 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 129 || Infected || [[File:129 Infected.jpg]]
| 130 || Gangrene || [[File:130 Gangrene.jpg]]
| 131 || Infected || [[File:131 Infected.jpg]]
| 132 || Epithelium loss || [[File:132 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 133 || Epithelium loss || [[File:133 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 134 a || Gangrene || [[File:134 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 134 b || Gangrene || [[File:134 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 134 c || Gangrene || [[File:134 Gangrene -c-.jpg]]
| 135 || Tissue loss || [[File:135 Tissue loss.jpg]]
| 136 || Infected || [[File:136 Infected.jpg]]
| 137 || Infected || [[File:137 Infected.jpg]]
| 138 || Infected || [[File:138 Infected.jpg]]
| 139 a || Gangrene || [[File:139 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 139 b || Gangrene || [[File:139 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 140 || Amputee || [[File:140 Amputee.jpg]]
| 141 || Skin loss || [[File:141 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 142 || Deformed || [[File:142 Deformed.jpg]]
| 143 a || Gangrene || [[File:143 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 143 b || Gangrene || [[File:143 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 144 || Torture || [[File:144 Torture.jpg]]
| 145 || Tissue loss || [[File:145 Tissue loss.jpg]]
| 146 || Amputee || [[File:146 Amputee.jpg]]
| 147 || SPC || [[File:147 SPC.jpg]]
| 148 || Skin loss || [[File:148 Skin loss.jpg]]
| 149 || Amputee || [[File:149 Amputee.jpg]]
| 150 || Epithelium loss || [[File:150 Epithelium loss.jpg]]
| 151 || Pressure sores || [[File:151 Pressure sores.jpg]]
| 152 || Amputee || [[File:152 Amputee.jpg]]
| 153 a || Gangrene || [[File:153 Gangrene -a-.jpg]]
| 153 b || Gangrene || [[File:153 Gangrene -b-.jpg]]
| 154 || Amputee || [[File:154 Amputee.jpg]]
| 155 || Abuse || [[File:155 Abuse.jpg]]

* {{URLwikipedia|Muti|Muti|2021-03-21}}
* [[Uganda circumcision]], a video showing literally skinning the penis of an adolescent.

* {{REFweb
|title=Ulwaluko: Photos

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