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Case histories

199 bytes added, 15:51, 12 January 2020
add SEEALSO: Nebus vs Hironimus
Barely anyone is comfortable with the idea of publicly talking about sexual or psychological problems. The inhibition threshold to disclose one's weaknesses and vulnerabilities is high. Many are not even able to overcome the shame face to face with their family, friends or doctors.
In the USA, several groups have been campaigning against the usual routine (non-therapeutic) infant [[circumcision]] for over 30 years; in Europe, the debate, which had previously hardly come to public attention, gained a significant boost in the wake of the [[Cologne circumcision court judgment| Cologne judgement of 2012]], and found its way into the spotlight of public attention. Since then, more and more negatively affected men have spoken out, and documented their ordeal. The number of unidentified cases must be considerable, since the image of the tough "superman", who is expected to be free from mental and bodily problems, is still very much present in people's consciousness.
Many overcome their problems or blame their symptoms on other causes, to avoid having to face the unpleasant truth that they are suffering from the consequences of an operation their parents caused on the assumption of doing the best for their child. The subconscious refusal to comprehend parts of their upbringing as something negative can be observed in many childhood traumas. Especially in the context of religious [[circumcision]], dealing with with the consequences of the [[circumcision]] often also means a critical examination of the religion itself, because, when a ritual that was praised as good and important - that is meant to be a blessing and a gift for the circumcised - is the cause of personal grief, it may put the validity of religious commandments in question. Often religious families and communities lack the understanding and willingness to scrutinize the ritual critically, and those affected are met with little or no empathy.
I was circumcised at 8 days old during a Jewish bris ceremony. My family is Orthodox Jewish, and they believe that [[circumcision]] is a requirement. I witnessed many [[circumcision]] ceremonies in my extended family. I always felt very uncomfortable, and some of my uncles would leave the room when the cutting took place. When I started masturbating, I didn't understand that I needed to use lubrication, and so I injured myself. I experienced frequent chafing and bleeding. This still happens if I do not use proper lubrication. I have tight erections. Sometimes when I get erections only the top end of my [[penis]] gets erect, starting from the scar midway along my shaft. This condition is known as lymphedema. A few times it has been really painful and it stayed bloated for hours.
I have no [[frenulum]], just scar tissue on the underside of my glans, and therefore no sensitivity under the glans. Unless my glans is moist (which requires external lubrication), I experience virtually no pleasurable touch sensation on my [[penis]]. I started restoring almost a year ago, but I have not been doing it regularly because of my active lifestyle. I bike a lot and do lots other activities that require me to be mobile. I think in the near future when I grow more skin I will be able to wear my device while doing such activities. Now I wear my device only 1 to 3 hours per day, and not every day, although I am working on making it more of a habit. One positive result so far is that my shaft skin is more mobile. There are also psychological benefits; doing something to help myself feels really empowering.
== Jonathon Conte, 31 ==
As a child, I grew up believing that my body was whole. I grew up assuming that my [[penis]] looked and worked the same as any other. I grew up thinking that the scar on my genitals was just a natural part of my body and that all men had it. I grew up figuring that the soreness brought on by clothing and [[masturbation ]] were normal aspects of being a guy. I never questioned why so many types of underwear were painful, I only found it strange that anyone could manage to wear them.
I was about 14 years old when I learned that part of my [[penis]] had been cut off. It seems like this is something that one might realize earlier in life and yet I never did. I was never taught about normal male anatomy and no one ever explained to me that I had undergone genital surgery as an infant. When I learned the devastating truth, my stomach sank and my throat closed up.
===The discovery of sexuality===
Sometime during my school days I started with [[masturbation]], which without [[foreskin]] was not quite simple. First I tried with a dry hand to rub the glans, but except unpleasant to painful feelings nothing further happened. I then tried different techniques and tools such as soft cloth from which it although somewhat worked, with which I also sometimes minor injuries, such as Abrasions on the glans, drew upon. Eventually I came up with the idea as shampoo to use a lubricant. It worked quite well for a short time, but ultimately it dried the Skin quite strong, so that created fissures on the surface of the glans and for some time no more pain-free [[masturbation ]] was possible. It took a long time until I right had found techniques and lubricant with which the [[masturbation ]] without major problems was possible. Especially during the time of experimentation I wished again my [[foreskin]] back. I just wanted to be a normal boy.
Meanwhile, I had finally given up the hope that my [[foreskin]] grow back would and so I had to somehow come to terms with my condition. I wish my [[foreskin]] back and tried many times to imagine what it would be like to have a [[foreskin]]. The Certainty that nothing would change in my condition caused an oppressive feeling and I wondered how I could endure my life that way. In the youth magazine "Bravo" I read at that time, that it is quite normal to be circumcised, and therefore no one Has disadvantages. These statements came as naturally called, because it would mean that I could lead a normal life and should not worry about that. I tried to convince myself that only a small useless piece of skin was removed and that I actually should have no problems with it. I suppressed my problems, but has been very successful I did not order.
Meanwhile, more than a year has passed since the Cologne court ruling and we have a law that allows parents to circumcise their sons, just because they want it. In a society, which is only slightly aware of the far-reaching consequences of [[circumcision]], this law causes a lot of suffering. Many people in Germany are unnecessary although [[circumcision]] already critical, but the understanding of the full extent of the problem still seems to be very widespread. Still be the most common Misinformation disseminated, partly self-critical set of people. Currently I am involved in it, to establish a society of and for genital self determination of children used especially of boys. I want there with the experience of my [[circumcision]] contribute to the suffering of many circumcised men is recognized in society and belong to the past unnecessary [[circumcision]]s.
 == See also =={{SEEALSO}}
* [[Ent-hüllt!]]
* [[Circumcised Men Do Complain]]
* [[Men Do Complain]]
* [[Nebus vs Hironimus]]
* [[Unspeakable Mutilations]]
* [ How It Feels to Be Circumcised as an Adult], VICE, 2015-03-31
* [ Infant male circumcision is genital mutilation], The Guardian, 2011-12-06
* [ The Tip of the Iceberg - Men who resent being circumcised]
== References =={{REF}}<references />[[Category:Jewish]][[Category:Foreskin restoration]][[Category:Circumcision]][[Category:Male circumcision]]
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