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Volker Beck

102 bytes added, 02:09, 10 August 2022
[[File:Netzregeln10-Volker-Beck.jpg|thumbnail|Beck 2010]]
'''Volker Beck''' (* December {{LifeData|birth=1960-12-12, 1960 in |birthplace=Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, |birthcountry=Germany}}) is a German politician (Greens). Since From 1994to 2017, he is was Member of the German Bundestag. At , lastly being the moment he is religion policy spokesman of the Greens Bundestag group. Previously, he was Chief Whip of his party, spokesperson for [[human rights ]] policy and a member of the Council of elders of the Bundestag (17th Legislature).<ref></ref>
== Religious [[Circumcision]] ==
Beck has been working for decades for the legal equality of homosexuals. In relation to the persecution and killing of homosexuals in other countries he spoke out clearly against the encroachments of religions in the rights of others from (while the ban on the killing of another human being in a state of law needs no constraint "in the name of religion"):
| Text=Die Tötung eines anderen Menschen im Namen der Religion ist im Rechts­staat ein Verbrechen. Religion rechtfertigt keine Übergriffe in die Rechte anderer. | Translation=The killing of another human being in the name of religion is a crime in the state of law. Religion does not justify attacks on the rights of others. | Author=Volker Beck | Source= | ref=<ref></ref>
In the [[Circumcision Debate]] he still denies, however, that religions engage here in the rights of others and that children are at all bearers of [[human rights]]:
| Text=Die Religionsfreiheit rechtfertigt keine Eingriffe in die Rechte Dritter. Dies ist auch bei der Be­schneidung nicht der Fall. | Translation=Freedom of religion does not justify interference with the rights of third parties. This is not the case with [[circumcision]] at all. | Author=Volker Beck | Source= | ref=<ref></ref>
Also in 2015, he recruited vehemently for the opening of marriage for all. On June 12, 2015, he stated on Facebook, little self-critical:
| Text=Wer gleiche Rechte verweigert, der verweigert auch gleiche Würde. | Translation=They who deny equal rights, also deny equal dignity. | Author=Volker Beck | Source= | ref=<ref></ref>
== References ==<references />{{REF}}
[[de:Volker Beck]]
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