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Studies on circumcision

12 bytes added, 20:22, 25 July 2021
Wikify "pain".
* 2004: '''Pain relief for neonatal circumcision'''
:<blockquote>"Circumcision is a painful procedure frequently performed on newborn baby boys without using [[pain ]] relief. Available treatments include dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB), which involves injecting anesthetic at the base of the penis. Ring block is another form of penile block."</blockquote>
:<blockquote>"Dr. Slater states that their findings stand in contrast with previous understandings of infant pain. "In fact, some people have argued that babies' brains are not developed enough for them to really 'feel' [[pain]], any reaction being just a reflex," she says. "Our study provides the first really strong evidence that this is not the case."</blockquote>
|title=fMRI reveals neural activity overlap between adult and infant pain
* 2020: '''Local anesthesia was extremely effective'''
:<blockquote>This study indicated that those who were circumcised without local anesthesia had higher mean pain scores, heart rate, lower oxygen saturation, and increased mean respiratory rate than those that had local anesthesia. This study demonstrated that local anesthesia was extremely effective in reducing the physiological variables of circumcision.<br><br>This study has shown that the [[pain ]] of circumcision can be minimized or eliminated by use of local anesthesia. The performance of circumcisions without anesthesia should no longer be condoned or considered acceptable in the clinical setting.</blockquote>

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