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→Circumcision related articles
The English Wikipedia likes to claim that "[a]nyone with Internet access can write and make changes to Wikipedia articles", and to a limited extent this is true. Wikipedia has editors and administrators who have the power to discipline contributors of whom they disapprove.
Wikipedia commenced operations on 15 January 2001. The circumcision article appears to have been created on 7 November 2001. <ref name="circhistory2001">{{REFweb |url=https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Circumcision&action=history |title=Circumcision: Revision history |last= |first= |accessdate=2021-07-29}}</ref>
* [[Jake H. Waskett]], a British circumcision enthusiast, made his first edit to the circumcision article at Wikipedia on 18 October 2004. <ref name="circhistory2001" /> Waskett, who appears to be driven by [[Jake_H._Waskett/Editorial| emotional issues]], seems to have considered his sacred duty to be to promote male circumcision by editing the various related articles at Wikipedia. Waskett seems to have wormed himself into a position of power at Wikipedia.
: Male circumcision has a substantial list of harms, complications, disadvantages, and drawbacks, however Jake apparently wanted these to be minimized while the alleged advantages were emphasized. This put him into conflict with others who wanted the whole story to be told. As a result, there were a huge number of revisions to the articles associated with male circumcision until 18 June 2012, <ref name="circhistory2001" /> when Jake resigned from editing.
* [[James Heilman]], a Canadian circumcision enthusiast, is another administrator noted for [[bias]] in favor of non-therapeutic circumcision. Heilman, under the name "Doc James", made his first edit to the circumcision article on 1 June 2011. Thereafter, he co-edited with Jake Waskett until Waskett resigned a year later.