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943 bytes added, 21:46, 7 September 2021
Early Development of circumcision law: Add information on Children Act 1989
Poulter's claims are controversial. Recent court decisions cast further doubt on their legitmacy.
Parliament in 1989 passed the [ Children Act 1989]. This is a very extensive act to provide for the care, welfare and protection of persons under 18 years of age. The Children Act 1989 introduced the legal term ''significant harm''.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=What is the Children Act?
|publisher=Virtual College
|quote=Under the Children Act 1989, ‘harm’ is defined as any “ill-treatment or the impairment of the health or development of the child”. Whether the harm is deemed ‘significant’ is decided by comparing the health and development of the child with what would generally be expected of another, similar child and judging if there is a big difference.
The [ Law Commission of England and Wales] had proposed to recommend that circumcision of male children be made lawful. The late [[Christopher P. Price]], solicitor, submitted a brief to the Law Commission in opposition to the proposal,<ref name="price1996">{{REFdocument

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