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Tobe Levin

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'''Prof. Dr. Tobe Levin Freifrau von Gleichen''' ({{LifeData|birth=1948-02-16|birthplace=Long Branch, New York|birthcountry=USA}}) is professor of English and intactivist against [[FGM]].
At the [[Scientific Symposium]] on the day before the [[WWDOGA]] 2014, she gave a lecture on the topic of 'In fearful symmetries: essays and eyewitness accounts of female genital mutilation and male circumcision'<ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Prof. Dr. Tobe Levin: [Videos of the lectures] |accessdate=2021-10-13}}</ref>.
== Curriculum vitae ==
* 1970 B.A. {{BA}} in English from Ithaca College (NY)
* 1979 {{PhD}} in comparative literature from Cornell University
* Since 1979 teaching English and women's studies at the ''University of Maryland University College in Europe''.
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