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Jonathan Mermin

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Dr. '''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''', {{MD}}, {{MPH}} (RADM, USPHS), is the Director of the National Center for [[HIV]], Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP), and a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service.<ref name="CDC">{{REFweb
|title=National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP)
== Curriculum vitae ==
From 2009-2013, Dr. Mermin directed [[CDC]]’s Division of AIDS Prevention, overseeing the agency’s [[HIV ]] efforts in the United States. He previously served as Director of CDC-Kenya and HHS Public Health Attaché for the U.S. Embassy from 2006-2009, and as Director of CDC-Uganda from 1999-2006. In Uganda, he oversaw implementation of the first antiretroviral treatment program funded by CDC outside of the United States, gaining practical experience for [[PEPFAR]] and supporting widespread [[HIV ]] treatment efforts in developing countries.<ref name="CDC"/>
== Circumcision statement ==
|Text=The guidelines do not outright call for circumcision of all male newborns, since that is a personal decision that may involve religious or cultural preferences, Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of the CDC’s National Center for [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]], Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB Prevention, told the Associated Press.
But “the scientific evidence is clear that the benefits outweigh the risks,” Mermin said.
== Population-based studies ==
{{Population-based studies}}
==Two African surveys==
The previously reported studies were from developed Western nations. Now we have information from Sub_Saharan Africa.
French scientist [[Michel Garenne]], Ph.D. has published two reports in 2022 comparing the incidence of HIV infection in [[circumcised]] and [[intact]] men.
In his first report, Garenne presented the findings from a study in Lesotho, the enclave in South Africa. He reported:
In couple studies, the effect of circumcision and VMMC on HIV was not significant, with similar transmission from female to male and male to female. The study questions the amount of effort and money spent on VMMC in Lesotho.<ref name="garenne2022A">{{REFjournal
|author-link=Michel Garenne
|title=Changing relationships between HIV prevalence and circumcision in Lesotho
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
|volume=online ahead of print
In his second report, Garenne (2022) presented information from six Sub-Saharan African nations (Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). He reported:
"Results matched earlier observations made in South Africa that [[circumcised]] and [[intact]] men had similar levels of HIV infection."<ref name="garenne2022B">{{REFjournal
|title=Age-incidence and prevalence of HIV among intact and circumcised men: an analysis of PHIA surveys in Southern Africa
|journal=J Biosoc Sci
* [[Sexual effects of circumcision]]
* [[Psychological issues of male circumcision]]
* [[United States of America]]

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