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Ethics of non-therapeutic child circumcision

885 bytes added, 15:16, 12 November 2021
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The non-therapeutic circumcision industry in the United States produces more than $2 billion annually.<ref name="bollinger2012">{{REFweb |url= |title=High Cost of Circumcision: $3.6 Billion Annually |last=Bollinger |first=Dan |author-link=Dan Bollinger |publisher=Academia |website= |date=2012 |accessdate=2021-11-12 |format= |quote=As they saying goes, follow the money. Now you know why neither the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]], American Medical Association, [[American Academy of Family Physicians]], or the [[American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists| American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists]] haven’t condemned this unnecessary surgery, and why their physician members are quick to recommend the procedure to expectant parents.}}</ref> [[Third-party payment]] is a major support to the performance of this medically-unnecessary surgery. If parents could not grant consent for non-therapeutic circumcision, then no one could grant consent for the non-therapeutic circumcision of a child, so the $1 2 billion annual business would collapse. The American medical trade associations, more than other nations, have been unwilling to recognize the child's right to bodily integrity, to security of the person, and the right to personal autonomy.

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