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Sexual effects of circumcision

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Foreskin sensitivity: Add text and citation.
=== Foreskin sensitivity ===
Some recent researchers assert that the [[foreskin]] is sexually sensitive highly-innervated erogenous tissue.<ref name="winkleman1956" /><ref name="winkleman1959" /> <ref name="taylor1996">{{TaylorJR LockwoodAP TaylorAJ 1996}}</ref><ref name="cold-taylor1999" /> Opponents The [[foreskin]] has a large population of circumcision [[Meissner's corpuscles]].<ref name="garcía-mesa2021">{{REFjournal |last=García-Mesa |first=Yolanda |init= |author-link= |last2=García-Piqueras |first2=Jorge |init2= |author2-link= |last3=Cobo |first3=Ramón |init3= |author3-link= |last4=Martín-Cruces |first4=José |init4= |author4-link= |last5=Suazo |first5=Iván |init5= |author5-link= |last6=García-Suárez |first6=Olivia |init6= |author6-link= |last7=Feito |first7=Jorge |init7= |author7-link= |last8= |first8=Vega |init8=José A. |author8-link= |etal=no |title=Sensory innervation of the human male prepuce: Meissner's corpuscles predominate |trans-title= |language= |journal=Journal of Anatomy |location= |date=2021-10 |volume=239 |issue=4 |article= |page= |pages=892-902 |url= |archived= |quote= |pubmedID=34120333 |pubmedCID=8450466 |DOI=10.1111/joa.13481 |accessdate=2021-11-15}}</ref> Proponents of genital integrity have cited these studies, which report on the sensitivity or innervation of the foreskin, claiming a sexual role based upon the presence of nerve-endings in the foreskin sensitive to light touch, stroking and fluttering sensations.
Circumcision removes the [[Ridged band|ridged band]] at the end of the foreskin.<ref name="taylor1996" /> Taylor (1996) observed that the ridged band had more [[Meissner's corpuscles]] — a kind of nerve ending that is concentrated in areas of greatest sensitivity — than the areas of the foreskin with smooth mucus membranes and a rich blood supply to serve the neurological tissue. Taylor (2000) postulated that the ridged band is sexually sensitive and plays a role in normal sexual function. He also suggested that the [[gliding action]], possible only when there was enough loose skin on the shaft of the penis, serves to stimulate the ridged band through contact with the corona of the [[glans penis]] during vaginal intercourse.<ref name="taylor2000">{{REFjournal
García-Mesa et al. (2021) reported that the mechanical motion of the [[foreskin]] generates pleasurable sexual sensation.<ref name="garcía-mesa2021" />
==Erectile function==

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