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Jungenbeschneidung in Deutschland - eine Bestandsaufnahme

24 bytes added, 13:10, 16 November 2021
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* [[Renate Bernhard]]: The "Circumcision Permit Act" and its resonance in organizations and media.
* Dr. med. Wolfgang Bühmann: Circumcision from a urological point of view: when, why and why not?
* Prof. Dr. med. [[Matthias Franz]]: Greeting + Psychoanalytic and Psychohistorical Aspects of Ritual Circumcision* Dr. [[Necla Kelek]]: The Importance of Boy Circumcision in the Islamic World Today: Duty, Faith or Tradition* [[Önder Özgeday]]: Perspectives of painfully affected people - Children's rights as an opportunity* Prof. [[Jörg Scheinfeld]]: Boys' circumcision – legal reasons for a rethinking of the legislator* [[Victor Schiering]]: Perspectives of painfully affected people - Children's rights as an opportunity* Prof. Dr. med. [[Maximilian Stehr]]: The anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the foreskin and the resulting consequences of circumcision
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