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19 bytes added, 06:03, 18 November 2021
Non-therapeutic circumcision and Canadian law
Several decisions of the [ Supreme Court of Canada] call consent for non-therapeutic circumcision of a child into question, but no case so far has ruled on the matter of circumcision.
[[Suzanne Bouclin ]] (2005) has examined the issues and concluded:
Where a parent or substitute decision maker has deemed that it is in the child’s best interest to undergo a treatment, there may be some conflict between that privilege and the fundamental right to security of the person protected under Section 7 of the Charter. Because the State’s power to intervene is broad and can be permanent, parental decision making has been protected under the Charter. Nevertheless, the Court has determined that parents’ rights are not absolute and that the State will intervene when necessity is demonstrated.
|author-link=Suzanne Bouclin
|title=An examination of legal and ethical issues surrounding male circumcision: the Canadian context

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