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Acorn Society

25 bytes added, 13:49, 24 October 2022
Groups such as the '''Acorn Society''', the [[Gilgal Society]], and the [[Cutting Club]] openly admit to a morbid fascination with [[circumcision ]] to the point of sado-masochistic fetish. These groups advertise that doctors are among their members. There are those on the Internet who discuss the erotic stimulation they experience by watching other males being [[circumcised]], swap fiction and about it, and trade in videotapes of actual circumcisions.<ref>{{REFbook
|first=Christopher P.
[...] a Jewish doctor who charged £200. All the reports on this doctor were good and so we decided to go to him.
Eventually I went to see the doctor at his North London surgery at the end of November 1994. I had a long discussion with him and he examined my [[foreskin ]] and [[frenulum]]. He agreed to perform a circumcision under local anaesthetic and we agreed a fee of £200.
I told the doctor that I wanted my frenulum removed and a fairly tight circumcision [...] I undressed completely and got onto the couch [...]
The doctor was soon clamping my foreskin and determining exactly where he was going to place the cut. [...] One quick stroke of the scalpel along the side of the forceps removed my foreskin for ever. [...] The frenulum was quite tough and the doctor had to use both scissors and scalpel to cut through it.
Despite all his efforts with the cautery device, the doctor could not completely stop me from [[bleeding ]] where the [[skin ]] had been removed.
[...] my friend put away the video camera.
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