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→Sexual practice and masturbation: Add dates.
== Sexual practice and masturbation ==
In a study by Korean researchers of 255 men circumcised after the age of 20 and 18 who were not circumcised, Kim & Pang (2007) reported that masturbatory pleasure decreased in 48% of the respondents and increased in 8%. [[Masturbation|Masturbatory]] difficulty increased in 63% but was easier in 37%. They concluded that there was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure after circumcision.<ref name="kimpang2006"/>
Laumann et al. (1997) reported that circumcised men in their survey displayed a greater rates of experience of various sexual practices, including oral sex, anal sex, and [[masturbation]].<ref name="Laumann1997">{{REFjournal
Published: April 2, 1997. New York Times. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9C07E4D91F3AF931A35757C0A961958260]</ref>
Fink et al. (2002) did not find a change in sexual activity with adult circumcision (p=0.22).<ref name="fink2002"/>
== Sexual drive ==