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Long foreskin obstructing urine flow

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using Template:FrischM SimonsenJ 2021
# [[Morten Frisch]] & Jacob Simonsen (2021) carried out a large scale empirical population study in [[Denmark]] of 855,654 males regarding the alleged value of male circumcision in preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in men. They found that circumcised men have a higher rate of STI and HIV infection overall than intact men.<ref name="frisch2021">{{REFjournal |last=Frisch |first=Morten |init=M |author-link=Morten Frisch |last2=Simonsen |first2=Jacob |init2=J |author2-link= |etal=no |title=Non-therapeutic male circumcision in infancy or childhood and risk of human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted infections: national cohort study in Denmark |journal=Eur J Epidemiol |date=FrischM SimonsenJ 2021-09-26 |volume=Published online ahead of print |url= |pubmedID=34564796 |DOI=10.1007/s10654-021-00809-6 |accessdate=2022-01-16}}</ref>
No association between circumcision status and risk of HIV infection was found.
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