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Denuded penis

873 bytes added, 15:12, 23 January 2022
Case reports: Add case report.
Van Duyn & Warr (1962) reported a case of excessive skin removal in which a split-thickness skin graft was used to supply the needed skin.<ref name="vanduyn1962">{{REFjournal
|last=Van Duyn
|title=Excessive penile skin loss from circumcision
|journal= J Med Assoc Ga
|quote=We believe that these minor excesses of skin loss following circucision must be more common than indicated by the literature, and that many of them should be split grafted to avoid the possibility of a future scarred and/or shortened penile shaft.
Sinha & Mushtaq (2012) have described one such [[iatrogenic]] event which was treated by split thickness and full-thickness skin grafts.<ref>{{REFjournal

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