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Godula Kosack

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It is more difficult to position oneself against boys' circumcision, which affects between a quarter and a third of the world's male population. Because it is considered a religious commandment. It is a sign of the covenant with God or it is a symbolic act of inclusion in the community of adult men. Its wide distribution gives the impression that it is harmless. However, depending on the definition, there are significant complications in 2 to 10% of all affected.
What is common to male and female genital cutting? Even if female genital mutilation has far-reaching consequences, circumcision of male genitalia is also a violent encroachment on a child's physical and mental integrity. The operation, which is mostly carried out in infancy, is a huge [[shock ]] for the child. An already traumatic pain is inflicted on the most sensitive part of the body. This pain is exacerbated by the fact that it is affirmed and accompanied by the people who should actually be its protectors.
The child is conveyed deep inside that his physical and mental integrity has its limits; it is branded for life. It can only regain its self-determination through an awareness process and a fight against the customs that have drawn it.
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