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Darya Otto

4 bytes added, 19:43, 15 June 2022
Circumcision is mostly carried out on young girls. They are not asked. They are not free to choose. They can't fight back. Tradition just demands it. FGM/C is a taboo subject in practicing societies that is not talked about. So the girls do not know what will happen to them and what the consequences of circumcision will be for them. If the circumcision is embedded in a big celebration, the girls look forward to the festival in an unsuspecting way.
Girls and women who are circumcised suffer lifelong physical, psychological and social effects. Many of those affected die as a result of circumcision. Many women can no longer feel anything during intercourse. Many also do not even know that FGM/C is a violation of [[human rights ]] and is prohibited by law in many countries. 200 million girls and women worldwide are affected by FGM/C, and around 3 million are added each year. The unreported statistics of [[TERRE DES FEMMES]] assume around 70,200 affected women and 17,500 girls at risk in Germany. And that is precisely why it is our responsibility to act.
The FGM prevention project: The lobby for girls' FGM prevention pilot project is funded by the Ministry for Homeland, Local Affairs, Building and Equality of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. We see it as our responsibility to stand up for girls and young women and to make the prevention of FGM/C the subject of our educational work. We inform girls and women, mothers, fathers and specialists about FGM/C and explain the consequences. FGM/C should be removed from the taboo and the public should be informed and sensitized about FGM/C.
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