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Sven Leimkühler

4 bytes added, 20:19, 15 June 2022
As you can see, we are still in Corona modus. I am currently here in my home office and even so the concern of the [[WWDOGA|World Wide Day of Genital Autonomy]] is so important that we would like to support this in our video statement.
In our institution we work with our projects for universal [[human rights ]] and children's rights. In our opinion, this includes the right to [[genital autonomy]].
Admittedly, the debate about genital self-determination really took off only at the beginning of this year. But working with the boys above all has shown what [[genital autonomy]] is all about. It's about self-determination, it's about health, and it's about all about vulnerability. We have worked on the subject in groups since January, we have worked on it with younger and more grown up people and with most of them you could see how much this subject is based on vulnerability. If you suddenly have to ask yourself: Why is this piece of [[skin]] stolen from me, withouy my consent, without my knowledge and without my will?
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