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Tissue expansion

39 bytes added, 13:05, 29 June 2022
A word to intact teens: Wikify.
Beaugé (1997) reported that boys, who [[Masturbation| masturbate]] by pulling their foreskin away from the body, will not stretch the tight part of the foreskin so non-retractile foreskin will persist. He advised changing the method of [[masturbation]] to the more conventional method of pulling the foreskin toward the body so that the narrow orifice get stretched.<ref name="beauge1997" />
The traditional way of addressing this issue was to consult a urologist and get a [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| circumcision]], however we now understand that in the vast majority of cases, manual stretching over a few months will widen the foreskin by tissue expansion, make the foreskin retractable and eliminate the need for a destructive [[Adolescent and adult circumcision| circumcision]].
===Foreskin restoration===

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