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The tax specialist and author '''Mario Lichtenheldt''' was born in Rudolstadt, Thuringia (Germany). Today, he lives again in his home town of Oberweißbach.
Lichtenheldt is an [[intactivist]], affected by [[circumcision]]. In March 2012, before the [[Circumcision Debate]] started in Germany, he published the book "in-sane: [[foreskin]], [[phimosis]] & [[circumcision]] - Contemporary answers for boys, parents and multipliers"<ref>http://www.horizont-web.eu/index-Dateien/Page3190.htm</ref><ref>http://www.amazon.de/un-heil-Beschneidung-Zeitgem%C3%A4%C3%9Fe-Antworten-Multiplikatoren/dp/3842495404/</ref>. The club [[MANNdat e.V.]] interviewed him in July 2012<ref>http://manndat.de/gewalt-gegen-maenner/manndat-im-gespraech-mit-mario-lichtenheldt.html</ref>, also the Deutsche Welle reported on his book<ref>http://www.dw.de/ein-einschneidendes-erlebnis/a-16102825</ref>.
With his latest work "[[Charlie in der Badewanne]]' ''(Charlie in the bathtub)''<ref>http://www.horizont-web.eu/index-Dateien/Page316.htm</ref> he takes up the issue with a father-son talk about [[foreskin]], [[phimosis]] and [[circumcision]].