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Brian J. Morris

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Brian Morris, a [[circumcised ]] native of [[Australia]], has devoted his life to the promotion of [[circumcision ]] and [[foreskin]] loss for all males everywhere, however, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians' official advice on circumcision rejects all of his claims.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Circumcision of Infant Males
The incidence of non-therapeutic neonatal circumcision in Australia reportedly has declined to four boys in 100. His claims have been rejected in his native land.
Morris seems to never have done any direct research on [[circumcision]] or the [[foreskin]], but only selective paper research. Various of his publications have only been ''peer-reviewed'' by circumcision fetish fellows of him. In August 2016 e.g., Morris published a critique of a paper that itself had critiqued the practice of circumcision. But the sole reviewer of Morris’s article was a frequent co-author of his, [[Aaron Tobian]] of the [[Johns Hopkins ]] School of Medicine. In his reference section, Morris listed five papers on which he and Tobian were co-authors.<ref>{{REFweb

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