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The position of the Roman Catholic Church
The Catechism contains discussions and extensions of the meanings of the Ten Commandments. The Fifth Commandment (Thou shalt not murder.) is relevant. The discussion of the Fifth Commandment is divided into three sections. Section II ''Respect for the Dignity of Persons'' is relevant. It is divided into several subsections. The subsection entitled ''Respect for Bodily Integrity'' is relevant. It includes Paragraph 2297. Paragraph 2297 does not use the word ''circumcision''. It does discuss ''amputations'' and ''mutilations'', which certainly include circumcisions''.
|Title=Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph 2297
|Text=Kidnapping and hostage taking bring on a reign of terror; by means of threats they subject their victims to intolerable pressures. They are morally wrong. Terrorism threatens, wounds, and kills indiscriminately; it is gravely against justice and charity.
Torture which uses physical or moral violence to extract confessions, punish the guilty, frighten opponents, or satisfy hatred is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity. Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law.
|title=Catechism of the Catholic Church
|publisher=The Roman Catholic Church

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