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Statement on foreskin circumcision

8 bytes added, 14:26, 23 August 2022
wikify medical indication
We do not intend to consider all men per se as mutilated, whose [[foreskin]] has been amputated without their consent. However, we insist to be able to articulate our own feelings. Whether one (man) defends himself against it or not: facts cannot be discussed away. You can put your head in the sand, then you cannot see them. But just because one (man) himself is not affected by restrictions, that does not mean that there are NO OTHER affected ones at all.
Some people like to use the comparison of medical indicated interventions, such as the removal of the Appendix worm process or wisdom teeth, with the often completely nonsensical, not medically indicated, hurtful [[circumcision|removal of the foreskin]]. We perceive this as unrealistic. The 'appendix operation' usually is done in a medical emergency case, and therefore is beyond any doubt to its [[medical indication ]] sublime. To pull wisdom teeth is e.g. used to protect the other teeth or to eliminate pain. Moreover, this surgery is usually developed in adulthood, not in childhood where children cannot consent. In both cases, no functional body is removed, as is certainly the case with [[circumcision|foreskin amputation]].
Many affected men suffer from mental health problems, which they attribute to their [[circumcision]]. This is not to say, [[circumcision|foreskin amputation]] was the only possible reason for psychological impairments. However, it is important to us, to recognize and accept [[Psychological_issues_of_male_circumcision mental limitations and problems]] as a result of [[MGM| genital mutilation]]. Of course it is no [[MGM| forced circumcision]] when a man decides on his own free will and in full knowledge of the possible consequences of a [[circumcision|foreskin amputation]] to have this done on his own body. The same is true when a [[medical indication ]] makes a [[circumcision]] inevitable. But we could not even decide for the [[circumcision|amputation of our foreskins]], nore were there compelling medical reasons for many of us.
Some of us have the impression of a humilating procedure in memory, carried out against our own will, so that we see the term 'forced circumcision' as accurate and appropriate in many cases. Our opinion is that the not medically indicated procedure in spite of [[German Circumcision Act|§ 1631d BGB]] still violates the [[Human rights|human right]] to bodily integrity and the [ UN Convention of the Rights of the Child]. The assessment that this law is not in conformity with the [ German Basic Law] is represented by an increasing number of criminal and constitutional lawyers.
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