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}}</ref> The CPSO lists the laws which it recognises on its [https://www.cpso.on.ca/en/About/Legislation-By-Laws Legislation and By-laws] webpage. It does ''not'' list the [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/index.html Constitution Acts of Canada], including the [https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html Charter of Rights and Freedoms ] on that webpage.
The CPSO recognises the Regulated Health Professions Act 1991 as its governing legislature. It reportedly does not recognise the Constitution of Canada, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as applying to the CPSO, nor does it recognise the rights granted to all Canadians by the Charter as being patient rights.