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→Circumcision policy: Add text and citation.
==Circumcision policy==
The CPSO does not recognise the right to [[physical integrity]] provided by Section Seven of the Charter as a patient right, so it permits doctors to perform [[circumcision]] of boys without [[medical indication]].This non-compliance with the Constitution of Canada was affirmed by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board.<ref>{{REFweb |url=https://www.canlii.org/en/on/onhparb/doc/2022/2022canlii73178/2022canlii73178.html |title=Little v Glowacki, 2022 CanLII 73178 (ON HPARB) |date=2022-08-15 |accessdate=2022-09-04}}</ref>
The permissive policy of the CPSO has resulted in [[Death| deaths]] of infant boys in Ontario from non-indicated [[circumcision]].<ref name="cairns2007">{{REFjournal