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Sexual effects of circumcision

41 bytes added, 01:13, 19 October 2022
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William Keith C. Morgan, {{MD}} (1965), a Canadian physician practicing in the [[United States]], had a comment critical of the then American practice of non-therapeutic (routine) [[circumcision ]] of infants. With regard to sexual function, he identified the ease of penetration and said:
Now let us consider whether the operation is in any way harmful or contraindicated. The function of the prepuce is to protect the glans, the latter being almost insensitive to most ordinary tactile and thermal stimuli. It has, however, specific receptors for other pleasurable sensations. Removal of the prepuce exposes the [[glans ]] to foreign stimuli which dull these special receptors. During the act of coitus the [[uncircumcised]] phallus penetrates smoothly and without friction, the prepuce gradually retracting as the organ advances. In contrast, when the [[circumcised ]] organ is introduced during coitus, friction develops between the [[glans ]] and vaginal [[mucosa]]. Penetration in the [[circumcised]] man has been compared to thrusting the foot into a sock held open at the top, while, on the other hand, in the intact counterpart it has been likened to slipping the foot into a sock that has been previously rolled up.<ref name="morgan1965">{{REFjournal
Morgan (1967) addressed the issue again in the ''Medical Journal of Australia'':
The subcutaneous tissue of the [[glans ]] is provided with special sensory receptors that are concerned with appreciating the pleasurable sensations that occur during coitus. They are stimulated normally only when the glans is exposed. In the [[circumcised ]] subject these receptors are constantly stimulated and lose their sensitivity. During the act of coitus, the [[uncircumcised]] phallus penetrates smoothly and without friction, the prepuce gradually retracting as the organ advances. In contrast, when the [[circumcised]] organ is introduced during coitus, friction develops between the glans and the vaginal [[mucosa]].<ref name="morgan1967">{{REFjournal
|first=William Keith C.
Falliers (1970) commented in a critical letter to the ''Journal of the American Mmedical Association'':
The sensory pleasure induced by tactile stimulation of the [[foreskin ]] is almost totally lost after its surgical removal. The surface of the exposed glans, as we know, has no capacity to receive and transmit any fine sensations of touch, heat, etc. Consequently, the fundamental biological sexual act becomes, for the [[circumcised ]] male, simply a satisfaction of an urge and not the refined sensory experience that it was meant to be.<ref name= "falliers1970">{{REFjournal
And so began the investigation of the sexual effects of male [[circumcision]].
<!--Only medical trade associations, such as the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] (AAP), which represents doctors who profit from carrying out circumcisions, still contend that circumcision does not harm sexual function. The American Academy of Pediatrics points to a survey (self-report) finding circumcised adult men had less sexual dysfunction and more varied sexual practices, but also noted anecdotal reports that penile sensation and sexual satisfaction are decreased for circumcised males.<ref name="AAP1999">{{REFjournal
}}</ref> In January 2007, The [[American Academy of Family Physicians]] (AAFP) stated "The effect of circumcision on penile sensation or sexual satisfaction is unknown. Because the epithelium of a circumcised glans becomes cornified, and because some feel nerve over-stimulation leads to desensitization, many believe that the glans of a circumcised penis is less sensitive. [...] No valid evidence to date, however, supports the notion that being [[circumcised]] affects sexual sensation or satisfaction."<ref name="AAFP2007"/> Conversely, a 2002 review by Boyle et al. stated that "the genitally intact male has thousands of fine touch receptors and other highly erogenous nerve endings&mdash;many of which are lost to circumcision, with an inevitable reduction in sexual sensation experienced by circumcised males." They concluded, "intercourse is less satisfying for both partners when the man is circumcised".<ref>{{BoyleGJ GoldmanR SvobodaJS FernandezE 2002}}</ref>-->
== Penile sensitivity and sexual sensation ==

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