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Keith Ramsey

338 bytes added, 13:44, 6 November 2022
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I am under attack by anti-circumcision activists. I posted a reference to a study on the safety of circumcision. After that I had hundreds of anti-circumcision individuals and organized groups attack our clinic's facebook site. Almost all of them are from other countries, where circumcision is not widely practiced.
They do not wish to only express their opinions, but want to punish, harass, intimidate and destroy anyone who does not agree with them.
I do not agree with their tactics and will not be intimidated into removing the post that mentions [[circumcision]]. I think they have the right to their opinion. However, they do not think anyone with a differing view has a right to an opinion or to post it.
I would appreciate anyone who can add positive reviews to our site, to help balance their negative and slanderous ones. Thanks.
|Author=Keith Ramsey
|Title=The Reference to Brian Morris Itself
The health benefits of circumcision outweigh all risks, including not circumcising, by over 100 to 1. Dr. Brian Morris said, “Denial of infant male circumcision is denial of his rights to good health, something that all responsible parents should consider carefully,” This is in a study in The the ''Mayo Clinic Proceedings '' journal.
|Author=Keith Ramsey
|Comment=Sir Walter Scott's famous comment might apply to much of the medical literature that promotes non-therapeutic child circumcision.
==Postscript==The 2012 [[AAP]] Circumcision Policy Statement attracted intense ongoing critical comment from many sources. The AAP did not reaffirm the statement and allowed it to expire in 2017. The AAP has not published a replacement statement, so the medical trade association now ''no'' current position on [[circumcision]].

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