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Jake H. Waskett

38 bytes added, 00:18, 9 November 2022
Add link in SEEALSO section.
* [[Thomas E. Wiswell]] -- Coauthored a paper with Waskett.
* [[Daniel T. Halperin]] -- Coauthored a paper with Waskett.
* [ Another Jake Waskett conversation [Wikipedia bias on Circlistcircumcision]]
* [] -- Waskett's website.
* [] -- Waskett's profile on dating website "Gaydar"
* [ Another Jake Waskett conversation on Circlist]
'''Note: If a link is broken, you will find a PDF archive link directly behind it (under the same reference number).'''
[[Category:Circumcision fetishist]]
[[Category:From CircLeaks]]
[[Category:From IntactWiki]]

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