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Post-traumatic stress disorder

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The male [[circumcision]] operation to amputate the [[foreskin]] has been shown to be a traumatic event. Taddio & colleagues (1995)(1997) studied the effect of neonatal circumcision on the behavior of boys after surgery and at the time of vaccination. It was found that [[circumcised]] boys had a higher pain response at time of vaccination six months later as compared with [[intact]] boys,<ref name="taddio"1995">{{TaddioA etal 1995}}</ref> <ref name="taddio1997">{{Taddio Katz Ilersich Koren TaddioA KatzJ IlersichAL KorenG 1997}}</ref> showing that the nervous system had been permanently sensitized to heightened pain sensation.
Taddio et al. (1997) concluded:
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