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18 bytes added, 10:10, 17 November 2022
==Physical trauma==Physical trauma is any injury caused by a mechanical or physical agent.<ref name="trauma2003" /> ==Psychic trauma==
Psychic trauma is a psychologically upsetting experience that produces an emotional or mental disorder or otherwise has lasting negative effects on a person's thoughts, feelings, or behavior.<ref name="trauma2003" />
==Circumcision trauma==
Circumcision trauma includes ''both'' physical trauma and psychic trauma.<ref name="boyle2002">{{BoyleGJ GoldmanR SvobodaJS FernandezE 2002}}</ref>
 ===Physical circumcision trauma===
Circumcision, more properly described as ''posthectomy'', is the surgical excision and amputation of the foreskin of the penis, which permanently removes a significant portion of the epithelium of the penis and destroys the significant and important [[Foreskin#Protective_functions| protective]], [[Foreskin#Immunological_functions| immunological]], [[Foreskin#Sexual_functions| sexual]], and [[Foreskin#Sexual_behavior| sensory]] physiological functions of that structure, and leaves the patient permanently and irreversibly impaired by the loss of those functions.<ref name="cold-taylor1999">{{ColdCJ TaylorJR 1999}}</ref>
 ====Results of physical circumcision trauma====
Results of physical trauma include:
* [[Complication]]
* [[Sexual effects of circumcision]]
 ===Psychic circumcision trauma===
The medical community has been slow to recognize the trauma of circumcision.<ref name="goldman1999">{{REFjournal
====Results of psychic circumcision trauma====
Results of psychic circumcision trauma include:
* [[Posttraumatic stress disorder]]
|author-link=Brendon Marotta
|publisher=Hegemon Media
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