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Abrahamic covenant

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Debunking the Abrahamic Covenant
Rabbi [[Sherwin T. Wine]] (1988) advised that the medical part of the covenant may be separated from the naming ceremony. While the naming ceremony, in which a newborn boy is welcomed into the world and receives his Hebrew name, is mandatory, the medical cutting part is not mandatory and may be determined by the parents based on its medical value or lack of value.<ref>{{REFjournal
|author-link=Sherwin T. Wine
|journal=Humanistic Judaism
==Debunking the Abrahamic Covenant==
Jewish Professor [[Leonard Glick]] (2005) observes observed that Genesis contains two covenants between God and Abraham. The first is in Genesis 15:18-21. It does not mention circumcision. The second covenant in Genesis 17 is a later addition by Judean priests.<ref name="glick2005">{{REFbook
|first=Leonard B.
}}</ref> Child circumcision did not become firmly established in [[Israel ]] until after [[Gilgal]] in 1604 {{#tip-text:BCE|Before Common Era, an alternative to BC}}, more than two centuries after the death of Abraham. According to Glick, the priests gained control after the Babylonian captivity, which ended in 538 {{#tip-text:BCE|Before Common Era, an alternative to BC}} and at that time the changes were made to Genesis Chapter Seventeen. Glick suggests that the choice to require [[circumcision]] of infant boys may have been because the boys cannot put up resistance.<ref name="glick2005"/> It is clear that the alleged covenant that required circumcision of male infants on the eighth day was a later fabrication by [[circumcised]] Judean priests and did not come from God.
Modern psychology offers an explanation for such behavior by the [[circumcised]] priests. Male [[circumcision]] is a highly traumatic surgical amputation that affects its victims for life.<ref>{{REFjournal
}}</ref> [[Bessel van der Kolk|Van der Kolk]] (1989) has shown that traumatized persons are compelled to repeat their [[trauma]] on themselves or others.<ref name="vanderkolk1989">{{VanderKolkBA 1989}}</ref> The compulsion of [[circumcised]] men to repeat the [[Psychiatrist Discusses the Lasting Trauma of Circumcision| trauma of circumcision]] is seen in the huge numbers of men with [[adamant father syndrome]]. It appears that the circumcised priests ascribed their compulsion to an edict of God.
== Does the Abrahamic covenant apply to Christians? ==
No, the Abrahamic covenant does ''NOT'' apply to Christians. Christians come under the New Covenant.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Acts of the Apostles 15:1-30.
|publisher=Bible Gateway
}}</ref> See the [[Council at Jerusalem]] for more information.
* [[Marked in Your FleshAssociation of Humanistic Rabbis]]
* [[Leonard B. Glick]]
* [[Jewish circumcision]]
* [[Judaism]]
* [[Israel]]
* [[Marked in Your Flesh]]
* [[Pain]]
* [[Trauma]]
* {{REFjournal |last=Chessler |first=Abbie J. |init=AJ |author-link= |title=Justifying the Unjustifable: Rite v. Wrong |journal=Buffalo Law Review |date=ChesslerAJ 1997 |volume=45 |issue= |pages=555 ''et seq'' |url= |accessdate=2020-04-08}}

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