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Improve citations.
Non-therapeutic [[circumcision]] of males for non-religious reasons originated with [[Claude François Lallemand]] in 1836 in France but soon spread to the [[United Kingdom]] in the early nineteenth century, from which it eventually spread to other English-speaking nations.
Edward Dixon (1847) recommended circumcision to prevent the spread of syphilis.<ref name="self2016" />
===Late nineteenth century===
[[H. L. Rosenberry]], {{MD}}, (1894) published a paper "proving" that circumcision cures urinary and rectal incontinence.<ref name="rosenberry1894">{{Rosenberry1894}}</ref>
Dr. [[E. J. Spratling]] (1895) provided information for other doctors.<ref name="self2016" /><ref>{{REFjournal

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