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Care of intact, foreskinned boys

201 bytes added, 02:10, 26 January 2023
Behavior of young intact boys: Add citation.
==Behavior of young intact boys==
Parents observe that many young, [[intact]] boys will pull and tug on their [[foreskin]]. Some parents express concern that the boy may be hurting himself, however that is not the case. The boy would not do that if it caused him pain. <ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=How To Care For Your Child's Foreskin |publisher=KidsHealth |date=2020-06-04 |accessdate=2023-01-25}}</ref> The foreskin has many [[Meissner's corpuscles]], which are specialized nerves that sense motion and stretching as pleasurable. Such behavior is normal and parents need not be concerned. 
==Not recommended==
Mayo Clinic provides information on the care of [[foreskinned]] boys. This advice is ''not'' recommended. The language indicates Midwestern prejudice against [[intact]] boys, a lack of understanding of the [[Immunological and protective function of the foreskin| immmunological and protective functions]], and lack of current information on [[Development of retractable foreskin| development of foreskin retraction]].

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