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Sigmund Freud

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Freud was born into a Jewish family in the Austrian Empire and was [[circumcised]] in accordance with the [[Abrahamic covenant]], most likely by a [[mohel]] on the eighth day of his life. We now understand that infant [[Brit Milah|circumcision]] is an [[Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)| adverse childhood experience]] and causes physical and psychic [[trauma]].
[[Michel Hervé Bertaux-Navoiseau]], the Paris-based sociopsychoanalyst, psycho-historian, [[intactivist]], and author, has collected Freud's comments on circumcision. Bertaux-Navoiseau believed that Freud suffered [[trauma ]] from his [[Brit Milah| circumcision]].<ref name="navoiseau2023">{{REFdocument
|title=Freud, a victim and opponent of circumcision: chronicle of an unconscious trauma
Bertaux-Navoiseau reports that Freud opposed circumcision and refused to allow his sons to be circumcised.<ref name="navoiseau2023" />

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