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American College of Nurse-Midwives

928 bytes added, 12:37, 28 September 2023
Circumcision position statement: Add text and citation.
* The statement lists unprovable "potential benefits" instead of actual provable benefits.
* The statement cites [[bias]] filled papers from [[Brian J. Morris]] and his colleagues.
* The statement inaccurately reports the incidence of circumcision at 77 percent, but Jacobsen et al (2021) report it to be in "a long term declining trend" and only 52.1 percent in 2016.<ref name="jacobson2021">{{REFjournal
|first=Deborah L.
|first2=Lauren C.
|first3=Jane L.
|first5=Matthew M.
|first6Emilie K.
|title=Nationwide Circumcision Trends: 2003 to 2016
|journal=J Urol
* The statement provides outmoded and inaccurate information regarding protection from [[HIV]].
* The statement cites the [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] 2012 position statement on circumcision that was allowed to expire in 2017 due to its huge number of deficiencies.

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