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Case histories

70 bytes added, 21:37, 28 October 2023
Sexual disadvantages: Wikify.
===Sexual disadvantages===
Less enjoyable for me it was the difference between a [[circumcised ]] and a to experience [[intact ]] [[penis]]. So far I can only speculate as an [[intact ]] [[penis]] in detail looks like and I did not even know how the [[foreskin]] works. Now I had the first time direct comparison and I had a number of negative effects of [[circumcision]] with me notice. Besides the obvious difference being that my [[foreskin]] was missing, the glans lay under it was only a thin scar line, I noticed at first sight clear color - and structural differences. While he was a delicate purple, pink [[foreskin]] and a Acorn had a smooth surface, my [[penis]] was pale and had more of a gray-brown color. Moreover, the surface was not smooth, but a dry and slightly shriveled [[skin]] layer, a thin cornea that had formed over the years, because of the Protection of the [[glans ]] through the [[foreskin]] was missing.
But not only in appearance but also in the sensitivity, there were clear differences. Unlike my friend who reacted very sensitive to touch, it took with me have a fixed pressure, so I felt anything at all. Since me with the sensitive inner [[foreskin]] is an erogenous zone was cut away and the glans due to lack of protection was dulled with time; I was mainly at the edge sensitive glans, where a few millimeters residual [[foreskin]] and [[circumcision]] scar was. Had at this point my friend touch with firm pressure and with the help of [[Masturbation#Lubrication| lubricant]], so I sufficiently was stimulated. If he did not touched me in the right place, I felt a little something and when the handle was too hard or not enough lubricant, it quickly became uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It took quite a while to get my friend had taught the proper technique. He told me often during this time, how easy it but whether in its [[intact ]] ex-boyfriend was, and what else he could have done to him what with me was not possible. It is therefore not the case that only a small piece of [[skin]] missing and the [[circumcision]] has no major influence on sexuality, as is often claimed.
For me it has the appearance, decrease its sensitivity and by the lack of [[foreskin]] and the sexual design options limited. I realized that my [[penis]] is not as worked and provided more than ever, I felt my body as mutilated. After about half a year my boyfriend broke from me again. He told me afterwards, that he finds a [[circumcised ]] [[penis]] boring, but not what is the reason for the separation. What little confidence I had built up until then, was one stroke back destroyed. In my relationships I had since then, I remembered it again and again and had each time been re afraid of the moment when I had to admit [[circumcised ]] be. Fortunately, there was only this one negative reaction my first friend, the others it was relatively unimportant - at least they said it that way.
In every relationship I had to the following begin again to teach my partners, as they had to deal with me, since none of them previously had a [[circumcised ]] friend. It always took a long time until it smoothly worked. As long as I just had to lend a hand to an orgasm, which was unsatisfactory not only for me but also for my partner. In addition to that particular the need of lubricant usually bothersome, unpleasant or even disgusting was. Overall, it was hardly possible to enjoy a natural and carefree sexuality. The only exception was a sexual partner who was also cut at this point. He knew already, but in this case the sex was unsatisfying for me. I was already clear I find that a [[circumcised ]] [[penis]] unattractive, because it just seems to me mutilated and I order a lot of negative associations linking.
These feelings were wrong during sex all around in my head time, so simply nothing worked. In an [[intact ]] sexual partners I feel even negative emotions such as grief for their own loss and Envy, but these feelings can hide themselves much better.
===The circumcision debate===

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