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Preputial sac

20 bytes added, 24 January
Urination: Revise text.
The [[foreskin]] overhang or [[acroposthion]] may be used as a hose nozzle to control and direct the stream. It may help to stretch one's [[foreskin]] out from one's body. One man said, "When I need to pee, I open my fly, pull my foreskin out and give it a tug to get any wrinkles out, then I hold my foreskin with the thumb and forefinger of both hands and use the overhang of my foreskin to direct my stream. When I finish, I milk it a bit to get any residual pee out of my [[urethra]]."
Men [[Foreskinned]] men may report feeling a slight tickling sensation as the urine flows out through their acroposthion.
One may pull back or not pull back when urinating. Either way is okay.

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