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352 bytes added, 11 February
Questioning circumcision: Add author link.
Hirsch et al. (1906) state, "An uncircumcised Jew is a full Jew by birth.<ref name="hirsch1906" />
Wine (1988) argued that The medical aspects (surgical excision of functional penile tissue) should be separated from the naming ceremony.<ref>{{REFweb
|author-link=Sherwin T. Wine
|publisher=Sherwin T. Wine
There appears to be increasing sentiment for reform of ritual circumcision practice with several organizations, such as [[Society for Humanistic Judaism]], [[Association of Humanistic Rabbis]], and [[Ritualwell]] proposing changes. [[Bruchim]] was founded in 2021 by [[Lisa Braver Moss]] and [[Rebecca Wald]] with a goal of making [[Foreskinned| non-circumcision]] acceptable in American synagogues.

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