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The Philippine Islands were once governed from India. The Sultanate of Maguindanao introduced [[Islam]] into Mindanao in the 15th century. Thereafter [[Islam ]] spread through the Philippines. Circumcision (''khitan'') is a religiously founded tradition in [[Islam]], so it was introduced into the Philippine culture.
Ferdinand Magellan claimed the Philippine Islands for Spain in 1521. Spain's control of the Philippines lasted until the Spanish-American war of 1898. Roman Catholicism was introduced into the Philippines during the Spanish rule. Christians recognized the harmful and abusive nature of circumcision at the [[Council at Jerusalem]] in 49 A. D. and rejected the practice as unnecessary for Christians. The Roman Catholic Church further repudiated the practice by the ''Bull of Union with the Copts'' in 1492.<ref>{{REFweb
==Psychological issues==
Tuli was introduced into the Philippine Islands hundreds of years ago, when the Islands were controlled by Muslims. Every Ever since adult [[circumcised]] men have reenacted their own [[trauma]] on boys as reported by Vanderkolkvan der Kolk (1989).<ref name="vanderkolk1989">{{VanderKolkBA 1989}}</ref>
Boyle & Ramos (20192001) studied boys in the Philippine Islands who had undergone medical circumcision and others who had suffered the traditional "''tuli''" circumcision. Of the boys who had a medical circumcision, 51 percent exhibited symptoms of [[PTSD]]. Of the boys who had a ''tuli'' circumcision, 69 percent exhibited symptoms of PTSD.<ref name="ramos-boyle2001">{{REFbook
===Article XIII===
Article XIII provides enactment of measures to advance social justice and human dignity. Section 11 provides for the advancement of health. Section 17 provides for a Commission on Human Rights. Section 18 provides specific powers to the Commission to investigate [[human rights]] violations and to "[p]rovide appropriate legal measures for the protection of [[human rights]] of all persons within the Philippines."<ref name="constitution1987" /> No such measures seem to have been enacted to protect boys from Tulituli.
===Article XV===
Article XV provides protection for the family. Section 3(2) provides the right of children to "special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development".<ref name="constitution1987" />
It appears that no one in the Philippine Republic of the Philippines has thought it appropriate to apply these constitutional provisions to the practice of Tuli''tuli'', except perhaps for Ramos & Boyle(2019), who briefly called for the application of [[human rights]] to Tuli.<ref name="ramos2019" />Local government actually sponsors mass circumcision events where a boy may receive a free tuli ([[MGM]]} at government expense.
==Dorsal slit reversal==
According to Goodwin (1990), the [[dorsal slit ]] operation may be reversed by suturing the cut ends together, which restores the tissue to its normal position and recreates the [[foreskin]]:
One patient presented with a dorsal slit because of an acute infection during childhood. All of the normal preputial [[skin]] was still present and the patient wished the [[skin]] restored to a normal appearance. An inverted V-shaped incision was made where the dorsal slit had been and the two edges were sutured together, thus, reproducing the normal prepuce. The patient was delighted with the results. It could be that this might be an answer to some critics of circumcision. A simple dorsal slit can be performed in patients who have phimosis or severe recurrent infections. At a later date, if they wished restoration, reconstruction to the [[uncircumcised]] appearance would be simple.<ref>{{REFjournal