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The [[intactivist]] movement (also known as [[genital autonomy]] or [[genital integrity]] movement) is a political movement dedicated to promote the [[genital integrity]] of all people, particularly minors. <ref>{{REFweb |url= |title=Intactivism 101: An Anti-Circumcision Guide for Foreskin Activism |last=Garrett |first=Connor |init= |author-link=Connor Judson Garrett |publisher=Intact America |date=2024-02-02 |accessdate=2024-06-03}}</ref> By “[[genital integrity]],” [[Intactivist|intactivists]] mean the right to grow with [[intact]] genitals and to provide [[informed consent]] for any genital-altering procedure, with certain exceptions for cases of immediate medical need. Attached to [[genital integrity]] are the concepts of bodily autonomy, [[informed consent]], self determination and the children's right to [[physical integrity]]. Intactivists oppose non-therapeutic infant [[circumcision]], gender reassignment surgeries for [[intersex]] babies, and [[female genital mutilation]].<ref>{{REFweb

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