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Kidnapping and circumcision

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There are periodic reports from African nations of <b>kidnapping and circumcision</b>.
For example, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) recently reported a case from Zambia. The BBC reported that 48 boys, ranging in age from 10 to 17 had been kidnapped and taken to a circumcision camp, from which they were rescued.<refname="bbc2024">{{REFnews
|title=Boys rescued in Zambia after circumcision abductions
Three of the rescued boys were briefly admitted to hospital — some for treatment from complications after undergoing circumcision typically done using razor blades.
According to the BBC, the anonymous owner was arrested, but was released after he agreed to burn the facilities at his circumcision camp.<ref name="bbc2024" />
==Circumcision does not prevent infection with HIV==
{{Population-based studies}}

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