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→Constitutional protection for traditional culture: Add citation; add REF section.
== Constitutional protection for traditional culture ==
It has been thought necessary to provide Constitutional protection for the traditional culture that coexists with contemporary culture. Article 30 & 31 of the Constitution of South Africa (1996), found in Chapter 2 (Bill of Rights) provide special protectionfor traditional rights.Section 30 provides that "everyone has the right to use the language and to participate in the cultural life of their choice,…". Section 31 provides protection for "cultural, religious and linguistic communities".<ref>{{REFdocument |title=Constitution of South Africa |url=https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/images/a108-96.pdf |contribution= |publisher=Republic of South Africa |format=PDF |date=1916-12-18 |accessdate=2024-08-02}}</ref>
* {{URLwikipedia|South_Africa|South Africa}}
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