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The [[Johns Hopkins]] Bloomberg School of Public Health funds the [[Rakai Project]].<ref>{{REFwebQuoteREFweb
| quote=Celebrating 20+ Years of Public Health Research in Uganda
| last=
| first=
| publisher=
| yeardate= | urltitletitle=Rakai Health Sciences Program
| url=http://www.jhsph.edu/rakai/
| accessdate=2011-05-02
}}</ref> Johns Hopkins is part of the [[Health Communication Partnership]]<ref>{{REFwebQuoteREFweb
| quote=Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs in partnership with Academy for Educational Development, Save the Children, The International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
| last=
| first=
| publisher=
| yeardate= | urltitletitle=HCP: Inspiring Voices Collective Action
| url=http://hcpartnership.org/
| accessdate=2011-06-20
}}</ref>, which is currently promoting circumcision in Uganda via mass media.<ref>{{REFwebQuoteREFweb
| quote=The writer works with Health Communication Partnership
| last=Mirembe
| first=Irene
| publisher=New Vision - Uganda's Leading Website
| yeardate=2011-06-19 | urltitletitle=Embrace male circumcision to reduce HIV
| url=http://www.newvision.co.ug/D/8/459/758020
| accessdate=2011-06-20