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G. S.

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'''Georg Schepper''' is a German attorney from Bielefeld and an intactivist. He is member of the [[Facharbeitskreis Beschneidungsbetroffener|Experts Circle of Circumcision Affected Ones]] at [[MOGiS e.V.]], and member of the [[Bundesweiter Arbeitskreis Säkulare Grüne|BAK Secular Greens]].
During the German [[Circumcision debate|circumcision debateDebate]] in 2012, he has published a very valuable article at [[MOGiS e.V.|MOGiS]].
In 2013-2014, he represented the Greens politician [[Ulf Dunkel]] as his attorney in his [[Ulf_Dunkel#Party_exclusion_procedure_discontinued|Party Exclusion Procedure]] and scored the non-exclusion of Dunkel on a comparison.
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